
A and B start from the same place for the same destination and they take the same route. A starts at 8 am and drives at the speed of 40 km per hour. B starts at 9 am and drives at the speed of 50 km per hour. 50 kilometer per hour. What should be the distance between A and B at 11:30 AM?

A and B start from the same place Problem

To find the distance between A and B at 11:30 AM, we need to determine how far each of them has traveled by that time.

Let’s first calculate the distance traveled by A and B individually.

For A:

  • A starts at 8 am and drives at 40 km per hour.
  • From 8 am to 11:30 am is a total of 3.5 hours.

Distance traveled by A = Speed * Time


For B:

  • B starts at 9 am and drives at 50 km per hour.
  • From 9 am to 11:30 am is a total of 2.5 hours.

Distance traveled by B = Speed * Time

DistanceB=50 km/h×2.5 hours

Now, we can find the distance between A and B at 11:30 am by finding the difference between their distances:

Distance between A and B=DistanceA​−DistanceB

Substitute the values to get the answer.

Make sure to convert the time to hours for consistency (e.g., 11:30 am is 3.5 hours after 8 am).

Distance between A and B=(40 km/h×3.5 hours)−(50 km/h×2.5 hours)

Calculate this expression to find the distance between A and B at 11:30 am.

Distance between A and B=(40km/h×3.5hours) − (50km/h×2.5hours)

Distance between A and B=140km−125km

Distance between A and B=15 km

So, at 11:30 AM, the distance between A and B is 15 kilometers. This means that A is 15 kilometers ahead of B on the same route.

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