
M. Laxmikanth 7th Edition Indian Polity Download Free Pdf 100%

Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth: A Comprehensive Guide (7th Edition)

M. Laxmikanth’s “Indian Polity” is a cornerstone text for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of Indian governance and its constitutional framework. Published by McGraw Hill Education, this book, particularly the 7th edition released in July 2023, has become an indispensable resource for students aspiring for civil services examinations and anyone interested in a thorough exploration of Indian political theory and practice.

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Author and Background

While not much information is publicly available about M. Laxmikanth himself, his legacy is undeniably tied to this book. Laxmikanth was a political science postgraduate and the founder of a former coaching institute, Laxmikanths IAS Academy, in Hyderabad. His expertise in the subject is evident in the book’s clear and concise explanations of complex constitutional concepts.

Content and Structure

The 7th edition boasts over 800 pages, meticulously structured to provide a comprehensive overview of Indian polity. Here’s a breakdown of the key themes explored:

  • Historical Background: This section lays the groundwork by tracing the evolution of Indian political structures, from the ancient era to the British Raj, culminating in India’s independence and the adoption of its constitution.
  • Making of the Constitution: This dives into the historical context surrounding the drafting of the Indian Constitution, highlighting the contributions of key figures and committees.
  • Concept of Constitution: The book delves into the core principles of a constitution, its significance, and its role in a democratic society.
  • Salient Features of the Constitution: This section dissects the fundamental characteristics of the Indian Constitution, such as federalism, parliamentary democracy, secularism, and the rule of law.
  • Preamble: A dedicated section unpacks the philosophy enshrined in the Preamble, outlining India’s commitment to being a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic.
  • Union and its Territory: This explores the division of power between the central government (Union) and the states, along with the concept of Indian territory.
  • Citizenship: The book clarifies the concept of Indian citizenship, its acquisition, and termination.
  • Fundamental Rights: A cornerstone of the Indian Constitution, this section provides an in-depth analysis of the six fundamental rights guaranteed to all citizens.
  • Directive Principles of State Policy: This chapter explains these non-justiciable principles that guide the government in promoting social welfare and establishing a just and equitable society.
  • Fundamental Duties: Introduced by the 44th Amendment Act of 1978, this section explores the 11 fundamental duties that every Indian citizen has towards the nation.
  • Amendment of the Constitution: The intricate process of amending the Indian Constitution is explained in detail, highlighting the different types of amendments and the role of Parliament and state legislatures.
  • Basic Structure of the Constitution: This crucial concept, established by the Supreme Court, ensures that the fundamental character of the Constitution cannot be fundamentally altered through amendments.
  • Parliamentary System: The book delves into the workings of India’s parliamentary system, explaining the roles of the President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha), and Parliamentary Committees.
  • Federal System: The intricacies of India’s federal structure are explored, outlining the distribution of legislative, executive, and financial powers between the Union and the states.
  • Centre-State Relations: This section examines the various mechanisms for cooperation and coordination between the central and state governments.
  • Inter-State Relations: The dynamics of interaction and dispute resolution between different Indian states are addressed.
  • Emergency Provisions: The book explains the three types of emergencies enshrined in the Constitution – national emergency, state emergency, and financial emergency – and their implications.
  • President: The role, powers, and limitations of the President of India are thoroughly examined.
  • Vice-President: The duties and responsibilities of the Vice-President are explained.
  • Prime Minister: As the head of government, the Prime Minister’s role in leading the Council of Ministers and formulating policies is explored.
  • Central Council of Ministers: The composition, functions, and decision-making processes of the Council of Ministers are elucidated.
  • Cabinet Committees: This section sheds light on the various cabinet committees that handle specific areas of governance.
  • Parliament: The functioning of both houses of Parliament – the Lok Sabha (lower house) and the Rajya Sabha (upper house) – is explained in detail, along with the legislative process.
  • Parliamentary Committees: The crucial role of parliamentary committees in Scrutinizing legislation, holding the government accountable, and offering policy recommendations is explored.
  • Parliamentary Group: The concept of political parties and their role within the parliamentary system is discussed.
  • State Executive: The book delves into the structure and functioning of the executive branch at the state level, including the Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, and state bureaucracy.
  • State Legislature: The composition and functioning of the state legislature, typically bicameral with a Vidhan Sabha (lower house) and a Vidhan Parishad (upper house) in some states, is explained.
  • Local Government: This section explores the Panchayati Raj system (rural local government) and the Municipal Corporation system (urban local government), outlining their powers and limitations.
  • Judiciary: The Indian judicial system, with its hierarchical structure of Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts, and subordinate courts, is explained in detail.
  • Independent Bodies: The book explores the role of various constitutional and statutory bodies like the Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Union Public Service Commission, and State Public Service Commissions.
  • Constitutional Commissions: This section delves into the functions of bodies like the National Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Women, and National Commission for Scheduled Castes, established to safeguard the rights of marginalized communities.
  • Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: The book provides insights into the constitutional provisions for the upliftment of these communities.

Key Features of the 7th Edition

  • Updated Content: The 7th edition incorporates recent developments in Indian polity, including landmark judicial pronouncements, new legislation, and changes in government policies.
  • Structured Learning: The book utilizes flowcharts, diagrams, and tables to enhance understanding of complex concepts.
  • Solved Examples: The inclusion of solved examples from previous years’ UPSC examinations helps readers develop their problem-solving skills for competitive exams.
  • Glossary: A comprehensive glossary provides clear definitions of key terms used in the Indian Constitution and political system.

Who Should Read This Book?

While primarily aimed at students preparing for civil service examinations like the UPSC exam, “Indian Polity” by M. Laxmikanth offers valuable insights for a broader audience:

  • Law Students: The book provides a strong foundation for understanding Indian constitutional law.
  • Political Science Students: Students pursuing political science can gain a comprehensive overview of Indian political theory and practice.
  • General Readers: Anyone interested in deepening their knowledge of Indian government and politics will find this book a valuable resource.
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Criticisms and Considerations

Despite its widespread popularity, some critiques have emerged:

  • Focus on Examinations: The book’s emphasis on exam preparation might overshadow a more critical analysis of Indian political realities.
  • Lack of Critical Perspective: Some argue the book presents a largely uncritical view of the Indian political system, neglecting potential shortcomings.


M. Laxmikanth’s “Indian Polity” remains a cornerstone text for understanding Indian government and its constitutional framework. The 7th edition offers a meticulously structured and updated exploration of key themes, making it a valuable resource not only for exam preparation but also for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Indian politics. However, to gain a well-rounded perspective, it’s recommended to supplement this book with other sources that offer critical analysis of the Indian political system.

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